Urban Expansion and Sensitive Environments – Assessing the role of agri-industries as landscape buffers to the neighbouring Gr

  • 114 pages

  • Published: 27 Feb 2009

  • Author(s): Merson, J, Attwater, R, Booth, S, Mulley, R, Ampt, P, Wildman, H, Nugent, M, Hooper, S, Chapple, M Campbell R

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This RIRDC publication assesses the complex social, economic and environmental factors impacting on small-scale rural communities in the eastern edges of the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area(GBMWHA. It assesses the role of agri-industries as landscape buffers to the neighbouring World Heritage Area. The research explores how local government planning might be improved to help this vulnerable but essential peri-urban farming community. In conjunction with targeted representative landholders, tools were developed to assist in enhancing the economic and environmental resilience of agri-industries involved in diverse modes of production.
The report is targeted at the individuals and families undertaking a range of agribusinesses in the Hawkesbury-Nepean region, and aspects of the complex challenges faced by these farming communities. This report will also be of interest to regional and local government, environmental advocates, natural resource managers and others interested in the critical buffer zones between encroaching urban sprawls and naturally significant areas.