The AgriFutures Emerging Industries Program helps grow up-and-coming rural industries for which there is a clear interest in their products but whose pathway for growth is unchartered. We do this through research that explores opportunities for growth and through skills development for industry leaders. Our goal is to sustainably grow developing rural industries and help them reach new markets.
A key measure for industry growth is gross value of production (GVP). Most of the industries within the AgriFutures Emerging Industries Program are not of sufficient size for their GVP data to be included on the Australian Bureau of Statistics Agricultural Census and Surveying programs. The development of a mechanism to calculate these new and emerging industries GVP was essential for the Program to capture accurate and consistent data to measure growth and success of the high-potential industries.
This project established a standardised approach to determining the GVP of selected emerging industries that is closely aligned to the Australian Bureau of Statistics approach. Due to these industries ever changing, reporting and recording the GVP of emerging industries will be a continuous process as there will be constant changes and improvements to production practices, regulatory standards, the global playing field and varieties available. By monitoring and recording on an annual or biannual basis, adjustments in priorities for industry growth can be made accordingly.