Wattle Seed Workshop Proceedings: 12 March 2002, Canberra

  • 86 pages

  • Published: 1 Mar 2003

  • Author(s): Simpson, Sarah, Chudleigh, Peter

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Wattle seed (Acacia spp.) has been used as a food source by Australian Aboriginal people for
thousands of years. More recently, there has been a small but increasing demand for wattle seed as
part of the commercial bush food market. Further, Acacia spp. are often used in planting programs
aimed at ameliorating land degradation. With this background it has been suggested that the
opportunity for broadscale wattle seed production and use of wattle seed in mainstream food
production industries such as bread and biscuit making as well as in animal feed industries be
investigated as a commercial output of future plantings of perennial species to combat rising water
tables and dryland salinity.