2013 Microorganism survey to support ongoing pathogen reduction programs
Project code: PRJ-008926
Project stage: Closed
Project start date: Friday, May 31, 2013
Project completion date: Monday, September 30, 2013
National Priority: CME-Priority 4-Ensuring food safety of Australian chicken meat
A survey similar to those conducted in 2008 and 2009 will be conducted in 2013, to allow industry participants to gauge how well their pathogen reduction programs are working compared to others, and whether interventions implemented since 2009 have provided the benefits (in terms of pathogen reduction) that they were aiming for. Participants will have the opportunity to have samples from their plants analysed so that they are aware of their current micro levels. The survey will cover presence/absence and counts for both Campylobacter and Salmonella, as well as serovars of Salmonella found.
The RIRDC Chicken Meat Program is therefore interested in commissioning a project to undertake these analyses.
Chicken Meat
Research Organisation
Objective Summary
•To test and report on the incidence and levels of Salmonella (plus types) and Campylobacter on whole chicken carcasses submitted by chicken processing plants across Australia.
•To provide participating plants with the current status (with respect to key pathogens) of their finished product.
•To make direct comparisons with results obtained in 2008 and 2009, overall, and for individual participating plants.