A national approach to improving the capacity of the goat milk industry

The Crown in right of the State of NSW acting through the Department of Primary Industries

  • Project code: PRJ-010223

  • Project stage: Closed

  • Project start date: Monday, May 1, 2017

  • Project completion date: Thursday, August 30, 2018

  • National Priority: NAP-Improve capacity across new and developing animal industries


This project will develop a contemporary industry resource that builds industry capacity and capability particularly in the commercial goat milk production sector and which addresses the critical information needs for those moving into dairy goat production (to build investment confidence from new industry entrants) and for existing enterprises and farm workers.
Specifically this resource will address:
• Purchasing and building the herd (breeding and selection)
• Animal husbandry practices (best management practices)
• Animal health and welfare
• Nutrition
• Farm biosecurity
• Farm infrastructure and shed requirements
• Quality assurance
• Specifications and opportunities for domestic and international markets.
This resource will be aligned to relevant units of competency from the national industry training package and may be used in the future as a basis to develop industry accredited short courses and online learning modules to assist further adoption and extension in industry best practice. The proposed Goat Milk Production Resource will build on the previous industry resources developed by NSW DPI ‘The Goat Milk Production Manual’ and ‘Manual for Advisors to the Goat Dairy Industry’ (while recognising the need for a thorough revision), and consider more recent material produced by Meat and Livestock Australia (eg ‘Going into goats’), with linkage and alignment where approproiate. Drawing on existing DPI and industry resources will avoid duplication and make the project more cost effective. The resource will have a national focus and include up to three case studies representing different climatic zones (eg. Mediterranean, temperate and sub-tropical).


New and Emerging Animal Industries

Research Organisation

The Crown in right of the State of NSW acting through the Department of Primary Industries

Objective Summary

This project is aligned to RIRDC R&D objectives. NAP – Improve capacity across new and developing animal industries.