ABBA mid-term review

Stephen Schuck and Associates Pty Ltd

  • Project code: PRJ-011011

  • Project stage: Closed

  • Project start date: Friday, November 3, 2017

  • Project completion date: Sunday, December 31, 2017

  • National Priority: ABBA - Biomass for Bioenergy


The project is to conduct a ‘desk top’ mid-term review of the ABBA project, to confirm that the project objectives are being met, and to review the integrity and usefulness of the data sets being established and maintained by the state partners. The review will also consider the analytic tools being developed to enhance the data, converting such data into useful bioenergy related project information.


Biomass for Bioenergy

Research Organisation

Stephen Schuck and Associates Pty Ltd

Objective Summary

The objective of this ABBA mid-term review is to confirm that the project is on track, to assess the quality and integrity of the data being collected, its enhancement to project relevant information, and to recommend possible improvements.