AMR Equine Modules and supporting materials

AMR Vet Collective Inc

  • Project code: PRO-019272

  • Project stage: Current

  • Project start date: Tuesday, September 3, 2024

  • Project completion date: Tuesday, June 2, 2026

  • National Priority: HOR-Thoroughbred horse welfare, workforce safety and environmental sustainability


This project will, through engagement with members of the equine industry and subject matter experts, and direct application of educational design and online learning principles, develop targeted, novel and educationally robust equine specific educational resources around Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and Antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) in four key areas of equine practice. These training resources will be housed within the existing AMR Vet Collective online platforms. Making changes to antibiotic use is hard, but necessary in this climate of increasing antimicrobial resistance and negative health outcomes associated with resistant organisms in animals and people. Supporting veterinarians and horse owners to be able to do this will result in tangible outcomes in terms of reducing overall and inappropriate use of antibiotics and increasing confidence around appropriate prescribing and infection control. This will result in long term reduction in negative health outcomes associated with resistant pathogens for horses.


Thoroughbred Horses

Research Organisation

AMR Vet Collective Inc

Objective Summary

The proposed project aims to develop a comprehensive, evidence-based online learning module and supporting materials that addresses four key areas of equine healthcare:
1. Equine Surgery
2. General Equine Medicine
3. Foals
4. Equine Reproduction