Australian Honey Bee Industry Levied Research Compendium

Southern Cross University

  • Project code: PRO-013069

  • Project stage: Closed

  • Project start date: Wednesday, July 14, 2021

  • Project completion date: Friday, October 14, 2022

  • National Priority: HBE-Enhance industry capability


The honey levy was introduced in 1962, and has been used to commission almost 30 years of high impact honey bee research under the administration of several organisations, including Honey Research Council, and AgriFutures Australia (formally Rural Industries Research Development Corporation). The purpose of this work is to highlight the importance of the decades of research, and the importance of long-term research, to beekeepers and the research community across Australia. In this proposal, we propose a review of the investment outputs made since 1962, and the development of a compendium of summaries.

This will be achieved through desktop database literature reviews, file retrieving from the National Library and Trove, and in consultation with key industry plays with knowledge on and access to past research programs. The Compendium will be developed in an easy to interpret and read format to increase effective communication of research outcomes amongst Australian Honey Bee Industry players. The project outputs will be made available online, via ExtensionAus Beekeepers and presented at an industry conference to highlight the information in the Compendium and present the process for interacting with the online searchable database. The Compendium seeks to improve knowledge on past levied honey bee research and increase the productivity and profitability of Australian beekeepers through improved communication of research outputs.


Honey Bee

Research Organisation

Southern Cross University