Australian Honey: Expanding the market for a multifunctional, natural food
Retailworks Discretionary Trust & Spencer Family Trust Partnership Trading as Freshlogic
Project code: PRJ-004610
Project stage: Closed
Project start date: Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Project completion date: Wednesday, June 30, 2010
National Priority: HBE-Improve pollination, floral resource access and industry sustainability
The RIRDC Honeybee R&D Advisory Committee has been asked by the Australian Honey Bee Industry Council (AHBIC) to commission a study of existing and prospective markets and marketing activities for Australian honey, with the intention of recommending means to:
• enhance consumer appreciation of the multifunctional properties of the product,
• expand local and international consumption of different forms of Australian honeys and other apiary products,
• extend local and international understanding of nutritional Australian honeys for therapeutic benefits, and
• improve returns to Australian honey producers.
The study will consider factors such as
• potential for impact on current supply chain arrangements, and
• benefit-cost analyses and other factors (eg, compliance issues) potentially associated with industry entry into new market sectors.
Honey Bee
Research Organisation
Retailworks Discretionary Trust & Spencer Family Trust Partnership Trading as Freshlogic
Objective Summary
The study will examine and report on:
• current supply chain arrangements, with the objective of identifying prospects that could improve individual producer returns, eg, honey, royal jelly, pollens, etc;
• the potential for presenting honey products in a different structure in existing markets (eg, offering variety to consumers and value for producers by supply of honey in alternative forms such as hard and soft set candied products);
• assessment of traditional honey supply profile (flavours and presentation) in interantional markets (eg United Kingdom and Europe, to assess whether there could be value-adding opportunity for lower grade Australian honeys such as Crows Ash, Red Ash, Mangrove and Macadamia), and
• the potential for increased use of honeys in alternative markets, based on product characteristics such as low glycaemic index, and antimicrobial and prebiotic activities.