Australian Rural Leadership Program Scholarship for Course 20
Ricegrowers' Association of Australia
Project code: PRJ-007786
Project stage: Closed
Project start date: Sunday, July 15, 2012
Project completion date: Saturday, June 30, 2018
National Priority: RIC-Strengthened industry capacity
This application is to provide a schlarship for a rice industry participant in the Australian Rural Leadership Program (ARLP) Course 20 which commences in May 2013 and will be completed in mid 2014. The ARLP course runs over 17 months and involves six face-to-face sessions with 59 days contact. The program focuses on working with emerging and established leaders who are committed to extending their knowledge, understanding and ability, in order to be more effective in leadership roles in and for rural Australian communities and primary industries.
Research Organisation
Ricegrowers’ Association of Australia
Objective Summary
To ensure that the Australian rice industry provides an opportunity for people within the industry to build their capacity to provide influential leadership in industry and community at local, national and internatiional levels.