Bale Bites: Australian Export Fodder Update
Sativus Pty Ltd
Project code: PRO-019317
Project stage: Current
Project start date: Thursday, September 12, 2024
Project completion date: Thursday, December 11, 2025
National Priority: FCR-Increased adoption of R&D outputs by industry
AgriFutures Australia requires timely, current, and relevant information for the Export Fodder industry to keep stakeholders informed about the latest developments, research findings, and media coverage. This project will develop 12 months of the Bale Bites newsletter, to support the industry’s need for up-to-date information that can aid in decision-making and strategic planning.
Sativus Pty Ltd has developed a three-stage approach that builds AgriFutures’ reputation and mitigates the risk of industry misinformation, to ensure the project can achieve high quality deliverables on time and in budget if any identified (or unforeseen) risks become issues.
Stage 1: Global scan of research, development and innovations pertinent to the Australian Export Fodder industry.
Stage 2: Translation of relevant information into the Bale Bites, easy-to-digest newsletter.
Stage 3: Dissemination of the Bale Bites newsletter to industry stakeholders via existing AgriFutures communication channels.
The expected outcomes of this project include a comprehensive and up-to-date database of global information relevant to the Australian Export Fodder Industry, along with monthly summaries that provide stakeholders with actionable insights into global trends, research, and developments. This ensures the industry is kept well-informed and equipped to make informed decisions that enhance productivity, profitability, and sustainability of the Australian Export Fodder industry.
Export Fodder
Research Organisation
Sativus Pty Ltd