Best practice manual for growing, harvesting and storing Industrial Hemp (Cannabis sativa) in Australia

Australian Hemp Council

  • Project code: PRO-016123

  • Project stage: Closed

  • Project start date: Tuesday, June 28, 2022

  • Project completion date: Friday, March 17, 2023

  • National Priority: NEI - New and Emerging Industries - SM1


This project will bring together a consortium of industrial hemp (IH) crop consultants, grower representatives and researchers to review and deliver the latest information on industrial hemp production, harvest, and post-harvest management as a Best Management Practice (BMP) Manual. A Gap Analysis of the production and postproduction information required to further propel the industry will also be produced. The consortium will also provide AgriFutures Australia with options for managing periodic updates of the Manual.
The consortium will be chaired by the Australian Hemp Council (AHC) President (Tim Schmidt) with coordination roles provided by CSIRO A&F (Stuart Gordon), SARDI (Mark Skewes) and NT DITT (Induni Kumar), who will also review subject matter on
Northern Australia’s cropping. Specific technical oversight and information review roles will be provided by Rob Eccles (Eccles Agronomy & Agribusiness Services) for grain crops and irrigation, Bob Doyle (Doyle Rural Services) for fibre crops and processing,
Karen Kirkby (NSW DPI) for disease and pest management, Don Telfer (WA DPIRD), for WA cropping, and John Muir (Hemp Farming Systems) and John Wightman (Hemp Newco) for agronomy, plant nutrition and pests.
Delivery of the BMP Manual and subsequent Gap Analysis will be the responsibility of the AHC, with Stuart Gordon, Mark Skewes and Induni Kumar coordinating the review of gathered information, and writing and editing support also provided by John
The AHC membership covers growers, crop consultants, state DPI officers and industry associations in all states.


New and Emerging Industries

Research Organisation

Australian Hemp Council

Objective Summary

The following project objectives will be fulfilled:
1. A Best Management Practice Manual for producing crops of industrial hemp grain, fibre and hurd and forage in Australia.
2. A gap analysis, including recommendations for new information, or research and development, required to successfully grow, harvest and post-harvest process, e.g., storing hemp grain, in Australia.
3. A post-project management plan wherein future Best Management Practice updates can be extended quickly to the greater industry.