Biological control of chalkbrood by anti-fungal bacterial symbionts of bees
Australian National University
Project code: PRJ-000571
Project stage: Closed
Project start date: Tuesday, January 1, 2002
Project completion date: Sunday, November 30, 2008
National Priority: HBE-Improve understanding of nutrition best practice and disease interaction
Honey Bee
Research Organisation
Australian National University
Objective Summary
The objectives of this project are to: (i) isolate and characterise from different Australian bee hives the bacteria that produce gluconic acid (identified by us as an anti-fungal agent) (ii) undertake a detailed study of the fundamental nature of the important bee- bacterial association in the gut of the honey bee in Australia and it’s role in factors such as hive health. The results of this strategic basic research in studying the nature of the honey bee bacteria will allow us to carry out applied research to determine the feasibility of developing biological control against the important chalkbrood disease.