Buffalo Newsletter
Kerry Sharp
Project code: PRJ-004465
Project stage: Closed
Project start date: Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Project completion date: Wednesday, June 30, 2010
National Priority: BUF-Enhance industry success through targeted industry-specific RD&E
‘Buffalo News’ is the official newsletter of the Australian Buffalo Industry Council. It has been produced as a quarterly publication with RIRDC funding since 2001. It is distributerd in printed format to about 300 Australian recipients, and is also emailed to an extensive list of overseas recipients interested in progress within the local buffalo industry.
It reports on RIRDC and other government-supported research into aspects of the buffalo industry, profiles industry players and highlights activities within an Australian animal industry, which involves meat, milk and cheese production across all regions of Australia.
Research Organisation
Kerry Sharp
Objective Summary
Buffalo News is designed to keep existing and potential stakeholders up to date with research outcomes and to report on advances across all industry areas.