Carbon pricing in global agricultural markets: Assessing impacts of carbon taxes on Australian agriculture

Australian Farm Institute

  • Project code: PRO-019079

  • Project stage: Current

  • Project start date: Saturday, February 24, 2024

  • Project completion date: Thursday, February 20, 2025

  • National Priority: NCO - National Challenges and Opportunities - M2


The policy and politics of carbon pricing are shifting rapidly. To achieve GHG emissions reductions aligned with Nationally Determined Contributions, a range of carbon pricing schemes are being considered and implemented by some of Australia’s trading partners.
The proposed project will build on the report ‘Carbon tax at border – implications for Australian agriculture’ by undertaking a contemporary analysis of the existing and proposed carbon taxes worldwide, with emphasis on Australia’s major trading partners and influential nations. The Deloitte report focussed on seven countries, representing approximately 45% of Australia’s agricultural exports. This project will examine other countries to further the share of Australian agricultural exports covered – including consideration of policies in Japan, Korea and Indonesia – and address policy decisions and changes including outcomes from COP 28, EU CBAM decisions and global trends on carbon pricing policies.
Stakeholder consultation, desktop review and a thorough analysis of Australian agriculture’s competitiveness in respect to carbon pricing schemes and CBAMs will ensure this work is grounded in stakeholders’ needs to establish robust, proactive recommendations on how Australian agriculture should respond to carbon pricing policies.
The project team comprises the Australian Farm Institute (project lead) and Garry Goucher and Associates (chief economist / analyst), working closely with AgriFutures and its stakeholders (i.e. levied industries).
The AFI’s deep expertise in global sustainability policy will deliver a comprehensive, succinct and pragmatic analysis of this complex topic. The inclusion of Garry Goucher and Associates in the project team provides an exceptional level of proficiency in economic analysis.


National Rural Issues

Research Organisation

Australian Farm Institute