Determining optimal management strategies for four large macropods in New South Wales

The University of Sydney

  • Project code: PRO-016284

  • Project stage: Current

  • Project start date: Thursday, October 6, 2022

  • Project completion date: Wednesday, April 29, 2026

  • National Priority: KAN-Enhance industry success through targeted industry-specific RD&E


This project will fund a Scholarship that is addresses the sustainability of the kangaroo industry and focuses on strategy number 1.2 in the AgriFutures Australia Kangaroo Program RD&E Plan 2021-2026.
The specific questions to be addressed include:
1. Do kangaroos move between management zones and can our understanding of this improve our understanding of population rates of change?
2. Can drone technology improve the accuracy and precision of population surveys in the NSW Tablelands and are the use of drones economically viable?
3. Can a combination of design and model-based frameworks for population dynamics models guide quota setting in response to climatic variance, and how does this affect the risk of overharvest?



Research Organisation

The University of Sydney