Determining pregnancy status in camels

Australian Camel Products Industry Association Ltd

  • Project code: PRJ-011891

  • Project stage: Closed

  • Project start date: Thursday, June 13, 2019

  • Project completion date: Friday, May 15, 2020

  • National Priority: NEI - New and Emerging Industries - SM1


This project will develop and validate a rapid blood test suitable for field use to determine pregnancy status in the camel utilising existing technology and equipment with the aim to support industry growth.
A miniVIDAS analyser will be examined as a rapid and reliable field-based pregnancy test for detecting blood progesterone levels in camels.


New and Emerging Industries

Research Organisation

Australian Camel Products Industry Association Ltd

Objective Summary

1. To validate a portable serum progesterone analyser (miniVIDAS) as a reliable pregnancy test method for use in wild camels.
2. Establish reference ranges for serum progesterone in pregnant and non-pregnant camels.
3. Determine the sensitivity and specificity of serum progesterone compared with a Gold Standard pregnancy test such as transrectal ultrasound, calving observation or slaughter specimens.
4. Develop a Fact Sheet for analysis and interpretation of serum progesterone levels as an indicator of pregnancy status in the camel and disseminate this information to veterinarians through the Australian Veterinary Association camelid group.