DJPR – Weed Biocontrol (RnD4Profit-15-02-005)

The State of Victoria through the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (DJPR)

  • Project code: PRJ-010531

  • Project stage: Closed

  • Project start date: Wednesday, August 31, 2016

  • Project completion date: Monday, June 15, 2020

  • National Priority: WBC-Weeds Biocontrol


Sub project of RnD4Profit-15-02-005
The project will improve the long-term profitability of primary producers by developing novel biocontrol solutions that will reduce the recurrent costs of weed control for farmers affected by the target weeds. This sub-project will focus on two weeds of importance to many different agricultural sectors, including small industries, in Australia. These are:
• Silverleaf nightshade
• Sagittaria


Weeds Biocontrol

Research Organisation

The State of Victoria through the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (DJPR)

Objective Summary

Successful identification, development and release of biocontrol options, either on their own, or in integration with other management practices, that will assist with the control of the target weeds Silverleaf nightshade and Sagittaria.

The expected achievements of the project:

Characterisation of invasion pathways of the target weeds and identity of new agents through the application of advanced molecular techniques;
Geographic projections of potential distribution (in native and invaded ranges) and impacts (in invaded range) of new agents to control the target weeds through the use of big data-based bioclimatic/species distribution modelling techniques;
Development of new biocontrol agents deemed safe for release into Australia, to facilitate adoption of biocontrol solutions for the target weeds;
Deployment of biocontrol agents (once approved for release) and explorations of suitable ways to integrate novel biocontrol solutions with other on-farm and off-farm weed management techniques, to facilitate integrated weed management in primary production of the target weeds.
Ongoing stakeholder engagement through the following channels:
o short RDC magazine articles
o six-monthly updates to relevant RDCs and industry stakeholders, including project partners
o field days
o other extension opportunities that may arise during the course of the project.