Enhanced Extension for the Australian Tea Tree Industry

Farmacist Pty Ltd

  • Project code: PRJ-013114

  • Project stage: Closed

  • Project start date: Thursday, April 15, 2021

  • Project completion date: Friday, April 19, 2024

  • National Priority: TTO-Extension, sustainability and human capital


The Enhanced Extension for the Australian Tea Tree Industry project is designed to provide an industry-based extension service to tea tree growers, oil producers and service providers to accelerate the adoption of improved production techniques and develop an extension service platform that can endure for industry benefit.
This project will provide experienced extension officers to service tea tree growers and oil producers in Northern New South Wales and North Queensland. It will communicate findings from recent Australian research, using practical written and visual resources in both printable and electronic formats, to assist producers improve production, profitability and efficiency. These materials will be developed and extended using existing communications networks, in partnership with the communication team of AgriFutures and with input from industry stakeholders, such as the Australian Tea Tree Industry Association (ATTIA), wherever applicable.
The project will hold orchard walks, field days and conduct demonstrations, using the participatory action research (PAR) model to engage stakeholders, to extend both production system and management strategy knowledge and understanding. A “seeing is believing” extension model will increase grower understanding of “what it means to my production system and business”, leading to improved understanding and greater confidence to adopt new practices. The tea tree industry can achieve this by undertaking activities on commercial properties and conducting PAR activities that draw-upon local grower and service provider experience, engaging this audience in demonstration research throughout the duration of the project. Reduced lag time between research and adoption is achieved when growers/service providers are actively involved in the process.

An important part of the project will be working with the ATTIA to promote the benefits of tea tree oil to Australian and global consumers and product manufacturers via social media and other platforms to enhance product demand.


Tea Tree Oil

Research Organisation

Farmacist Pty Ltd

Objective Summary

The project will develop extension materials on pest, weed and disease management and crop nutrition. It is expected the project will:
• Establish 2 PAR demonstration sites per annum
• Hold at least 4 field days/orchard walks per annum
• Conduct 2 technical workshops
• Produce a minimum of 4 extension resource materials annually
• Develop a minimum of 4 electronic resources (videos/podcasts) per annum

The project team will produce and provide the extension materials to AgriFutures and ATTIA for appropriate formatting and branding before distribution through their networks. This will maintain consistency of messaging, branding and meet investors’ requirements.
The extension team will conduct orchard walks, field demonstrations and group learning activities during the term of the project. The specific number, content and locations are to be developed with stakeholders during the project planning phase and reviewed annually.