Export Fodder Workplace Safety Standards
Australian Fodder Industry Association Limited
Project code: PRJ-010828
Project stage: Closed
Project start date: Tuesday, June 12, 2018
Project completion date: Thursday, February 28, 2019
National Priority: FCR-Increased adoption of R&D outputs by industry
Assess workplace health and safety (WHS) problems and issues within the Australian export fodder processing industry with a focus on identifying key areas of WHS risk and the development of strategies to alleviate/mitigate these risks.
Export Fodder
Research Organisation
Australian Fodder Industry Association Limited
Objective Summary
1. A full and comprehensive risk assessment of potential WHS problems and issues within the Australian export fodder processing industry.
2. The development of strategies to alleviate/mitigate these risks with a clear pathway of resolution for each problem/issue proposed.
3. Preliminary indications of the resources (i.e. time, people, costs) to implement the recommended resolution for each problem/issue.
4. An audit of all Australian export fodder processing plants to indicate the level of severity of each WHS problem and issue identified (pre and post implementation).