Extension material development for PRO-017593, PRJ-011920, and PRJ-016270

Sativus Pty Ltd

  • Project code: PRO-019192

  • Project stage: Current

  • Project start date: Tuesday, May 21, 2024

  • Project completion date: Wednesday, July 31, 2024

  • National Priority: FCR-Increased adoption of R&D outputs by industry


The AgriFutures Australia Export Fodder Program requires industry specific extension material that is developed from highly technical and, at times, industry-sensitive information. The aim of this project is to provide AgriFutures Australia with research extension material for three Export Fodder project reports, to provide a high-level, accessible overview of the research outcomes. Sativus Pty Ltd has developed a four-stage approach to facilitate the development of extension material for projects PRO-017593, PRJ-011920, and PRJ-016270. The approach provides flexibility and agility to ensure the project can achieve high quality deliverables on time and in budget if any of the identified (or unforeseen) risks become issues.
Stage 1: Project set up with the AgriFutures Australia Program Manager to finalise the project scope.
Stage 2: Consultation with the AgriFutures Program Manager and Australia Export Fodder Advisory Panel to determine relevant and appropriate information to be publicly released.
Stage 3: Development of a range of factsheets that ensures the science is communicated effectively.
Stage 4: Review of project deliverables by the AgriFutures Program Manager and Australia Export Fodder Advisory Panel to maintain the high-quality of standards expected for the Program.

All project extension material will be presented in accessible language using terminology that is relatable to levy payers and stakeholders, and clearly communicate the outputs, outcomes, and updates of projects within the AgriFutures Australia Export Fodder Program. A detailed list of project risks and mitigation, budget items, and timelines are outlined in the project plan attached to this proposal.


Export Fodder

Research Organisation

Sativus Pty Ltd