Feasibility study sustainable use of native mammals in the Aust Pet Industry
University of New South Wales
Project code: PRJ-004398
Project stage: Closed
Project start date: Friday, January 30, 2009
Project completion date: Wednesday, June 30, 2010
National Priority: NAP-Provide new and developing animal industries with regular and up-to-date market assessments
Project governance and implementation
The project will be housed by the FATE Program, Institute of Environmental Studies, UNSW. Peter Ampt, Manager of the FATE Program is the Principle Investigator and will provide Project Management and coordination. Drs Rosie Cooney and Rosalie Chapple will conduct most of the research. An Advisory Group comprised of all research group members will provide technical guidance and expert inputs. This group will communicate through email and teleconferencing. FATE Project Officer Sue Stevens will be responsible for co-ordinating project implementation, including supporting meetings, facilitating communication and planning, ensuring timelines are adhered to, ensuring coherence among project components, managing project budgets, and ensuring timely reporting. Individual team members will lead on specific project components as outlined below. A part-time Research Assistant will be engaged to carry out literature reviews, stakeholder consultation and analysis. Groups to be consulted in completing the components outlined below will include animal welfare, veterinary, conservation/ecology, and wildlife trade organisations and associations, and pet industry representatives and wildlife breeders.
New and Emerging Animal Industries
Research Organisation
University of New South Wales
Objective Summary
The overall objective of the project is to report and make recommendations on the major constraints, opportunities, key people and issues to be considered in the development of a pet industry, with a focus on the eastern quoll and the Mitchell’s hopping mouse.