FodderSafe (2022-2025)

Digital Agri Solutions Pty Ltd

  • Project code: PRO-015925

  • Project stage: Current

  • Project start date: Monday, September 12, 2022

  • Project completion date: Thursday, July 3, 2025

  • National Priority: FCR-Continued access to export markets


Agsmart is proposing to continue to provide fodder export companies and their registered users with access to a fully supported FodderSafe application for a further period of three years. Our support includes a hosted application, ongoing updates to our chemical/pest and disease database with access to our help desk during business hours, online training of export company admin staff and user management and registration services.
The aim of the Fodder Safe spray diary application is to provide a simple online interface that enables export fodder companies to validate/check the usage of products and chemicals (“products”) in association with target pests and diseases (“targets”) according to product labels and industry guidelines by the growers who supply them. This includes:

Application rates (usually maximum only)
Application units (can be multiple types. Can manage unit multipliers, e.g. kg or grams)
Matching products with targets. (1 to 1, 1 to many, many to 1)
Crop growth stage (before, after or at)
Allowed / Not Allowed for the industry
Allowed / Not Allowed by state
Processor restrictions or modifications for any of the above

If any of the above fall outside label or industry guidelines, an alert is displayed for each instance of non-compliance. Growers may supply multiple processors via individually contracted paddocks, so some alerts are generated per paddock.

The data commonly captured is as follows:

Spray date(s) / time(s)
Paddocks selected
Targets (pests and diseases)
Application method
Water calculations (if appropriate)
Weather (if appropriate)
A declaration of completion


Export Fodder

Research Organisation

Digital Agri Solutions Pty Ltd