Future options for the control of the RLEM earth mite in Australian Pasture Seed

Cesar Pty Ltd

  • Project code: PRJ-013101

  • Project stage: Closed

  • Project start date: Friday, January 15, 2021

  • Project completion date: Wednesday, November 29, 2023

  • National Priority: PSE-Connecting the value chain


This project is working in conjunction with GRDC to address “Future options for the control of the Redlegged earth mite (RLEM) in Australian crops” through research, development, and extension on: the nature and distribution of pesticide resistance, novel control methods (chemical, cultural, and biological), quantitative management tools (including climatic risk forecasting), This provides an opportunity for pasture seed production industries to contribute resources and extend the scope of current project components to improve the management of redlegged earth mite to reduce its significant current economic impact. Brennan and Grimm (1992) showed that large populations of redlegged earth mite (with blue-green aphid) during spring (flowering and burr formation) in ungrazed subterranean clover pastures could result in large declines (50-90%) in seed production. Simultaneously, the first cases of pyrethroid and organophosphate resistance in eastern Australian populations of RLEM were detected in Lucerne seed production in 2016 highlighting the need for cross-industry consideration of resistance. Since then, resistance has been detected in several other pasture growing regions. Given the cross-industry nature of pesticide resistance, greater involvement of other industries impacted by RLEM will lead to more coordinated and better outcomes for growers. In particular, two areas have been identified as of potential interest to the pasture seed industry with respect to RLEM research. These include “Resistance testing and monitoring” and “Novel mode-of-action pesticides”.


Pasture Seeds

Research Organisation

Cesar Pty Ltd