Gap analysis and implementation program for research in the Aus fodder industry
John L Black Consulting
Project code: PRJ-002286
Project stage: Closed
Project start date: Friday, June 27, 2008
Project completion date: Tuesday, June 30, 2009
National Priority: FCR-Production of high-quality export-grade fodder
The AFIA Fodder Summit held on 11 June 2008 agreed that the fodder industry needed more information on the industry to objectively support the case for additional funding of fodder research and development activities. To achieve this, a number of activities need to be undertaken to achieve the additional funding including: identifying current RD&E being undertaken by research bodies within Australia; identifying RD&E that is expected to be undertaken by research bodies within Australia; conducting a gap analysis between current and planned work and the work that needs to be done; liaising with key industry organisations and individuals to inform them of the results of the work and the implications of the work being undertaken so that industry and government can support an agreed solution; and communication of the results and implications of these results to broader fodder industry including growers, contractors, exporters and consumers of fodder.
Export Fodder
Research Organisation
John L Black Consulting
Objective Summary
To survey current and proposed fodder research in Australia, identify the gaps in fodder research activities and capacity and undertake a program that will facilitate industry understanding and support for research activities.