Identifying Revenue Opportunities for AgriFutures Rural Industries
Consulting & Implementation Services Pty Ltd
Project code: PRO-016440
Project stage: Closed
Project start date: Sunday, December 11, 2022
Project completion date: Tuesday, October 17, 2023
National Priority: NEI - New and Emerging Industries - SMC
The project’s objective is to generate a Report that identifies additional revenue sources for the 13 levied industries and the 15 emerging industries selected by AgriFutures.
The report will leverage insights from stakeholder consultations and desk-based research to map the pre-farmgate and post-farmgate supply chains in all targeted sectors, as well as identify alternative or additional revenue growth opportunities that are both applicable and available to producers in those rural industries. The report will also identify priorities and challenges for future growth within each targeted industry, thus attracting investment, facilitating collaborations across the value chain, and supporting the sustainable growth of Australian rural industries.
New and Emerging Industries
Research Organisation
Consulting & Implementation Services Pty Ltd
Objective Summary
This project is the first in a series of planned projects to address the priority of Identifying new revenue streams, with a particular focus on the following target commodities of the industries supported by AgriFutures in Levied and Emerging Industries Programs.
Levied rural industries:- Chicken Meat, Rice, Honey Bee & Pollination, Ginger, Tea Tree Oil, Pasture Seeds, Export Fodder, Thoroughbred Horses, Kangaroo, Buffalo, Deer, Goat Fibre.
Emerging industries:- Hemp (industrial), Truffles, Native grains, Pomegranate, Wattleseed, Sesame, Quinoa, Kakadu Plum, Hazelnuts, Marron, Seaweed (Asparagopsis), Jackfruit, Insects, Coffee, Native Bees.
• Review existing information (published and grey literature) produced in Australia and internationally and engage with local commercial producers and others along the supply chain in Australia to identify:
o The typical pre-farmgate production processes for each of the rural industries, identified above. This will include consideration of the range of inputs and outputs from the production process, and other interactions – such as ecosystem services, that could be considered as additional revenue sources.
o The typical post-farmgate supply chains for each of the target commodities operating in Australia. This will also include consideration of additional revenue sources.
• Map the pre-farmgate production processes and post-farmgate supply chains for each of the emerging industry commodities only (not required for the Levied industries).
• Identify the specific revenue opportunities that are potentially available to producers in relation to all of the target commodities. These options could relate to the production, handling or processing of the targeted commodities.