Improved tenderness of alpaca carcasses using combined processing techniques
The University of Sydney
Project code: PRJ-010045
Project stage: Closed
Project start date: Friday, May 1, 2015
Project completion date: Friday, March 1, 2019
National Priority: NAP-Improve capacity across new and developing animal industries
This project will determine if there is an additive effect of the use of electrical stimulation, and tenderstretching on alpaca carcasses at an intra carcass level and through objective measures in meat quality. Carcasses will be sourced from a commercial alpaca meat abattoir, split in half to allow for an intra-carcass comparison before the left side is designated as control (non-stimulated + Achilles hung) and the right side of each carcass designated to one of three treatments (stimulated + Achilles hung; stimulated + pelvic hung; and the non-stimulated + pelvic hung) with muscle samples for meat quality analysis to be taken after 24 hours.
New and Emerging Animal Industries
Research Organisation
The University of Sydney
Objective Summary
The main objectives of this study are:
1) To determine the effects of applying two processing techniques, electrical stimulation and tenderstretching, to improve tenderness of alpaca carcasses.
2) To develop Australian standards for alpaca meat processing through the introduction of carcass conditioning and determination of the impact on meat quality and food safety.
3) To establish guidelines for the alpaca industry in regards to best practice processing techniques of whole alpaca carcasses.
4) To determine the impact of transportation of alpacas prior to slaughter, on meat quality traits.