Improving farmers skills and knowledge with moisture monitors in break crops in sugarcane fallows

Mackay Area Productivity Services Limited

  • Project code: PRO-015693

  • Project stage: Closed

  • Project start date: Thursday, December 23, 2021

  • Project completion date: Saturday, May 20, 2023

  • National Priority: AFI - AgriFood Innovation


This project is designed as a practical demonstration to allow growers to see first-hand how on-farm technology such as moisture monitors can benefit and improve a grower’s productivity and profitability. If growers see valve in technology, they will invest in it. For example, Mackay Area Productivity Service (MAPS) have previously used simple moisture probes placed in cane blocks that show the soil moisture levels on a display panel for growers to observe as they drive past. The probes indicate the blocks moisture level and are a indication on when to irrigate. Growers that have trialled the probes, have seen the benefits of the probes and now have the probes installed on their farms. 



AgriFood Innovation

Research Organisation

Mackay Area Productivity Services Limited