Indigenous Pastoral Project PowerPoint presentation
McClelland Rural Services P/L
Project code: PRJ-009543
Project stage: Closed
Project start date: Monday, January 13, 2014
Project completion date: Saturday, April 5, 2014
National Priority: NAP - Indigenous Pastoral Project
This project is an adjunct to the Indigenous Pastoral Project manual development (PRJ-008777). Using key information in the IPP manual and feedback from extension officers, a series of PowerPoints will be developed to complement manual usage by northern Australian extension officers.
New and Emerging Animal Industries
Research Organisation
McClelland Rural Services P/L
Objective Summary
From the manual “Managing Indigenous Pastoral Lands”, develop basic PowerPoints per module/module section to be used by extension officers, in conjunction with the finished manual. These PowerPoints will assist the officers in training Indigenous managers in pastoral property management, particularly those with lower education levels and those without access to computers and more modern facilities.