Innovating communications for accelerated growth in emerging industries

Central Queensland University

  • Project code: PRO-015966

  • Project stage: Current

  • Project start date: Friday, May 27, 2022

  • Project completion date: Friday, July 25, 2025

  • National Priority: NEI - New and Emerging Industries - SM1


CQUniversity’s Innovation in Agricultural Education and Extension (IAEE) team will apply cutting edge communications and extension methods to build a broad base of producer and investor interest in AgriFutures’ six emerging industries.
The CQU team will support the AgriFutures’ emerging industries through the development and implementation of customised communication, extension and adoption strategies for each sector, as well as providing a critical research evaluation of the methods used to provide recommended practices for future emerging industries.
The team develop targeted, strategically focused communications activities that raise awareness of the value propositions of the emerging industries and drive increased participation by farmers and stakeholders.


New and Emerging Industries

Research Organisation

Central Queensland University

Objective Summary

The aim of the project is to increase the adoption of AgriFutures research and development outcomes and support the growth of six new and emerging industries. The project will increase the awareness of the Program’s research, development and extension (RD&E) investments to our industries and support a sustainable future for each industry. The project will improve communication, cooperation and collaboration between growers, researchers, industry stakeholders and government bodies.