Investigation into legumes with pharmaceutical and aquaculture potential
University of Western Australia
Project code: PRJ-000456
Project stage: Closed
Project start date: Monday, July 1, 2002
Project completion date: Friday, June 15, 2007
National Priority: NEPI-RD&E to generate benefit across several plant industries
New and Emerging Plant Industries
Research Organisation
University of Western Australia
Objective Summary
Develop a capacity for chemical analysis of legumes such that species from the unique University of Western Australia genebank with valuable pharmaceutical or aquaculture benefit can be developed. Undertake chemical identification of isoflavonoids and bioactive compounds from legumes and asses their efficacy in mammalian breast prostate cancer proliferation assays. Generate a basic knowledge of the chemistry of legume germplasms such that cultivars can be developed to suit specific industries. Develop cultivars for specific industries.