Lucerne Australia capacity building study tour

Lucerne Australia Inc.

  • Project code: PRO-016173

  • Project stage: Closed

  • Project start date: Sunday, June 19, 2022

  • Project completion date: Thursday, August 25, 2022

  • National Priority: PSE-Developing people


Lucerne Australia will be holding a SA study tour from the 16 to 18th of August 2022 through the Mid North and Yorke Peninsula regions. The itinerary with information on the tour stops is attached. On tour we expect will be around 20 to 25 grower and industry members. Most of our grower membership base are located around Tintinara, Keith and Bordertown and produce lucerne seed as part of larger mixed farming enterprises (cropping and livestock). Industry membership encompasses the supply chain from agribusiness to seed processors and marketers.

Why have a study tour?

The 2022 Study Tour is an opportunity to look outside our own backyard, identify future opportunities for our businesses and network with other people within our industry. We expect to gain an overview of each business, an understanding of how each business has adapted over the years including diversification, vertical integration and technology innovations plus gain an insight into where they see agriculture in Australia heading over the next ten years. Most tour hosts are family owner/operators.

Lucerne Australia is also keen to encourage younger people (25 years and under) in the industry to come on the tour. One of Lucerne Australia’s missions is to provide opportunities for the next generation to have an active input into the future. We understand the importance of members having opportunities to expand on their networks and skills. To that end, we would like to offer support for young members to attend.


Pasture Seeds

Research Organisation

Lucerne Australia Inc.

Objective Summary

The 2022 Study Tour is an opportunity to look outside our own backyard, identify future opportunities for our businesses and network with other people within our industry.