Lucerne Australia Seed Quality Symposium (2011)

Lucerne Australia Inc.

  • Project code: PRJ-007438

  • Project stage: Closed

  • Project start date: Thursday, September 1, 2011

  • Project completion date: Thursday, October 20, 2011

  • National Priority: PSE-Developing people


Lucerne Australia run a number of conferences each year to educate and share knowledge with Lucerne Australia members. The Lucerne Australia 2011 symposium has a “seed quality” theme, with the objective of bringing together growers and stakeholders in the lucerne seed industry to build knowledge and drive adoption of new strategies.


Pasture Seeds

Research Organisation

Lucerne Australia Inc.

Objective Summary

The Lucerne Australia 2011 symposium has a “seed quality” theme, with the objective of bringing together growers and stakeholders in the lucerne seed industry to build knowledge and drive adoption of new strategies. This event will increase audience knowledge of abnormal seedling causes (RIRDC Pub No 08/023) and the quality issues caused by contamination from weeds. In particular we will investigate the threat that invasive weeds such as Golden Dodder and Setaria (Whorled Pigeon Grass) pose to the industry and highlight their impact on the environment and industry. Lucerne Australia will ensure that the results and recommendations from the recent RIRDC-funded Setaria Trial (PRJ-005491) will feature, including best management practices and recommendations on the most suitable herbicides and rates for controlling Setaria which were unearthed during this trial. Speakers will also educate on new strategies being developed to successfully detect and eradicate Golden Dodder, a leafless, parasitic weed which removes nutrients, reduces yield and even kills its host plant. Dodder contamination poses a huge threat to lucerne, pastures and seed crops. The dissemination of information about controlling and eradicating Golden Dodder is vital as lucerne seed contaminated with this weed is banned from export, potentially posing a huge threat to the lucerne seed industry, which is worth an estimated $AUD 95 million (PRJ-000032 – RIRDC Economic Analysis of the Lucerne Seed Industry 08/103 June 2008). New detection and control methods researched and explored in the USA and Australia will be highlighted. The symposium will conclude with a dinner and special guest speaker who will focus on maintaining a positive outlook. This has been proposed following the most challenging two years ever experienced in the lucerne seed industry with poor yields, higher cost of production and lower returns.