Lucerne yellows disease: testing and extension of disease management strate

The University of Sydney

  • Project code: PRJ-000539

  • Project stage: Closed

  • Project start date: Friday, July 2, 2004

  • Project completion date: Saturday, March 31, 2007

  • National Priority: PSE-Supporting production systems and agronomic advancements


Pasture Seeds

Research Organisation

The University of Sydney

Objective Summary

The aim of this project is to build on earlier RIRDC-funded work in which the pathogen and vectors responsible for Australian lucerne yellows disease were determined and in which tentative disease management strategies were identified. This project willproduce a ‘toolkit’ of disease management approaches that growers will be able to draw from to better manage this important plant disease. These strategies will include measures to reduce immigration into lucerne crops of disease-carrying leafhopper insects remove the non-crop hosts of the pathogen as well as management to alleviate the severity of symptoms in infected plants. Reflecting the regional differences in lucerne production and integrated pest management (IPM) practices research will takeplace in both NSW and South Australia. The optimal disease management strategies will be extended to growers by an illustrated colour ‘ute guide’-type tool with more detailed information available on a farmer-friendly web site. The rigour of the outcomes will be assured by submitting findings to a peer-reviewed journal (Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture).