Monitoring quality and bioactivity of kakadu plum in the Northern Territory
The University of Queensland
Project code: PRJ-009588
Project stage: Closed
Project start date: Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Project completion date: Sunday, April 15, 2018
National Priority: NEPI-Feasibility studies and industry literature reviews
The objectives of this project are:
– To pilot and assess the current harvesting, processing, packaging and storage of kakadu plums in terms of good production and quality control practices in a remote community setting in Northern Australia.
-To train staff on good production and quality control practices , sanitation and hygiene with training material such as posters and videos
-To test the raw materials and processed product for quality and bioactivity and develop a data base for this information
-To assist in the scaling up of production and address the challenges during such operations
-To monitor the product throughout the supply and distribution chain and during storage to determine product consistency
-To develop product standards for the kakadu plum
-To identify potential markets that require kakadu plum products to be used as a food or functional ingredient
New and Emerging Plant Industries
Research Organisation
The University of Queensland
Objective Summary
This project will address the needs of producing kakadu plum products (frozen, puree and whole) with known quality and safety in Wadeye, Northern Territory. The processing of kakadu plum will be done by the women of the Palngun Wurnangat Association (Women’s Centre). The current production practices will be assessed and best practices will be recommended to minimise losses in quality and bioactivity. This project will demonstrate the importance of processing and retaining quality over long storage periods. These skills can be extended to other native foods which will result in the reduction of post harvest losses and availability of native food throughout the year.
This study will include the assessing of current production practices of kakadu plum that are wild harvested in the Northern Territory and training of women in Wadeye on good production and quality control practices. Development of product standards will provide producers and buyers with agreed reference point in terms of quality, bioactivity and food safety.