National Residue Survey (Final report)

Jumbuk Consulting Pty Ltd

  • Project code: PRJ-008491

  • Project stage: Closed

  • Project start date: Friday, June 15, 2012

  • Project completion date: Thursday, December 20, 2012

  • National Priority: FCR-Continued access to export markets


Funding for the collection and analysis of hay samples has been sourced from RIRDC and Dairy Australia. Funding for this project has been committed under the Fodder Crops Program – Chemical Residue Audit for Export Hay (ID PRJ-007369).
Samples (80) have been collected and sent to the nominated laboratory for testing. These samples are being tested for four different screens of chemicals by a laboratory considered proficient under DAFF’s National Residue Survey program.
The Australian Fodder Industry Association (AFIA) has been tasked with coordinating the management of the program. Due to staff changes, AFIA does not currently have the human resources to complete the final report on the residue analysis.
Accordingly this consultancy is proposed to complete the report-writing component of this project in a timely manner and retain the pre-existing industry communication objectives of the project.


Export Fodder

Research Organisation

Jumbuk Consulting Pty Ltd

Objective Summary

In order to complete the intended project, the tasks of this consultancy include:
• To obtain a full set of results from DAFF NRS program in Canberra
• To obtain the spray diary information from the providers of the hay samples
• To collate the results given the agronomic history of chemicals applied to the paddock during the production season and the growing crop
• Compile a report showing all results
• Discuss results in light of the project objectives and outcomes sought
• Formulate key conclusions and make recommendations for any further actions or research
• Deliver results to the hay exporters as well as the dairy industry stakeholder in the confidential manner as agreed