Navigating Environmental and Social Lending Opportunities for Australian Producers
Ernst & Young
Project code: PRO-019017
Project stage: Closed
Project start date: Sunday, March 10, 2024
Project completion date: Thursday, September 19, 2024
National Priority: NCO - National Challenges and Opportunities - M
Conduct a comprehensive two-phase project navigating environmental and social lending opportunities for Australian producers.
Phase 1 of the project will build on the work delivered by KPMG in 2023 ‘Banking on Sustainability’ and provide an update on how the ESG landscape has evolved with any new considerations for Australian primary producers;
Phase 2 will develop a report to inform producers on the costs and benefits to capture and report on sustainability, and the economic value of natural capital and ecosystems services across agriculture, fisheries, and forestry.
Both phases will include the development of adoption materials and an adoption plan in collaboration with AgriFutures.
Please also refer to page 8 of our attachment
National Rural Issues
Research Organisation
Ernst & Young
Objective Summary
The objectives of the study are to identify any new considerations for Australian primary producers through:
In Phase 1, build on the work delivered by KPMG in 2023 ‘Banking on Sustainability’ and deliver a detailed report that clearly articulates the current ESG landscape in relation to Australian agriculture and defines what Australian producers should be aware of and where action should be taken, the expected future direction and what technological solutions can support the demands.
In Phase 2, investigate the cost and benefit analysis of sustainable farming, assess triple bottom line (TBL) assessment and recommendations, and a create a due diligence guide for environmental markets.
Create a written framework or guide enabling Australian producers to make informed financing decisions based on the researched costs, benefits, and economic values.
Incorporate five (5) or six (6) industry case studies to showcase practical examples to encourage broader adoption
Develop tangible and practical informational resources for grass-root adoption and detailed adoption plan for both the ESG market scan and the cost, benefit and economic analysis.