New Industry Champions Leadership Development Program
Australian Rural Leadership Foundation LTD
Project code: PRJ-008465
Project stage: Closed
Project start date: Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Project completion date: Tuesday, April 30, 2013
National Priority: NAP-Improve capacity across new and developing animal industries
RIRDC will fund a leadership development program to be delivered by the Australian Rural LEadership Foundation for 15 emerging leaders in new industries to develop ‘industry champions’ and build leadership capacity in these new industries.
New and Emerging Animal Industries
Research Organisation
Australian Rural Leadership Foundation LTD
Objective Summary
The RIRDC objective is to develop the leadership capacity of its new and emerging industries and contribute to a more collaborative environment.
To address these objectives, RIRDC will provide resources to enable the Australian Rural Leadership Foundation to conduct a leadership development program for 15 individuals selected from its stakeholders in new and emerging industries in order to encourage further leadership development at a range of levels, encourage leadership engagement and support collaboration.