PIEFA Educational Materials for the Australian Chicken Meat Industry

Primary Industries Education Foundation Australia

  • Project code: PRO-017236

  • Project stage: Closed

  • Project start date: Tuesday, February 28, 2023

  • Project completion date: Sunday, July 30, 2023

  • National Priority: CME-Priority 5-Building people, capability and a diverse and sustainble workforce


AgriFutures is a founding member of the Primary Industries Education Fund (PIEFA) and as such have access to an annual review of educational materials for one of our industries. A review was completed for chicken meat in 2022. The recommendations from the review were considered and after consultation with ACMF, PIEFA presented a proposal to develop secondary school educational materials and review the current materials that ACMF have available on their website.


This project aligns with priority 5 of the 2022-2027 Chicken Meat RD&E plan.


Specifically the project will include:

  • Development of Year 11 chicken meat farm case study lesson overview based on the NSW Year 11 Agriculture syllabus. The case study will be a complete unit of work that teachers can implement in their classroom. Industry will be directly involved in ensuring that the content is technically correct and aligns with the current needs and expectations of the industry.
  • A chicken meat landing page on the PIEFA career harvest website, including day in the life videos, career pathways, roles and activities.
  • Review of the existing ACMF teacher resources. The review of these resources will determine gaps in the educational materials for the chicken meat industry and guide future research and development projects for school based capacity building. 


Chicken Meat

Research Organisation

Primary Industries Education Foundation Australia

Objective Summary

  1. Year 11 Farm Case Study lesson overview (based on NSW Year 11 Agriculture syllabus)
  2. Chicken Meat Careers program on Career Harvest
  3. ACMF teaching resources evaluation