Production of videos on best practice for the beekeeping industry

Philip McLellan Trading as KEA Video producers

  • Project code: PRJ-008631

  • Project stage: Closed

  • Project start date: Monday, September 2, 2013

  • Project completion date: Friday, August 28, 2015

  • National Priority: HBE-Enhance industry capability


Effective education of established & new beekeepers to adapt best management practices is important for the long term future of the industry.
The use of DVD’s & Digital Video to communicate such information is an effective method of education.
The project DVD’s & Video files will be linked to the accredited Certificate AHC 32010 in beekeeping and Certificate AHC 10 in Agriculture. They can be used by Registered Training Organisation’s, when delivering the training package to clients.


Honey Bee

Research Organisation

Philip McLellan Trading as KEA Video producers

Objective Summary

The major objectives of this project are
• Produce a series of short and to the point training DVD’s to cover the basic skills required by people handling or training beekeepers in best practices.
• They will be linked to some of the current accredited training units on the Australian Government web site. Each will cover a set of skills clearly explained, given the reason behind each skill, the tools required, how to use them & what work health and safety issues are likely to arise.
The DVD & Video files will be created in such a way that if required they can be translated into different languages for those with English as a second language to learn skills more effectively.