Production, publication and distribution of Equine Research News
Cox Inall Communications
Project code: PRJ-005342
Project stage: Closed
Project start date: Thursday, July 15, 2010
Project completion date: Wednesday, June 11, 2014
National Priority: HOR-Thoroughbred diseases and parasites
The development and delivery of three editions per year of Equine Research News, a full-colour 8 page newsletter that provides the equine industry with information about RIRDC funded research projects, interviews with research workers, workshops and invited reviews, as well as topical research from around the world.
Equine Research News is the main communication vessel for the RIRDC Horse Program. It enables regular contact between RIRDC and the horse industry, ranging across industry organisations, breed societies and horse owners. Equine Research News is the primary method for communicating the benefits of research and development to the horse industry and aims to build further appreciation for the importance and relevance of RIRDC funded research to the industry as a whole.
Thoroughbred Horses
Research Organisation
Cox Inall Communications
Objective Summary
To achieve widespread dissemination and use of R&D information by the horse industry by:
• Providing an overview of the RIRDC Horse R&D Program research progress and outcomes
• Providing an overview of other research outcomes of interest to the Australian equine industry
• Communicating research outcomes in a format that is accessible to lay-people involved in the equine industry as well as to researchers and veterinarians
• Providing information on the RIRDC Horse R&D Program’s publications to encourage industry adoption of research outcomes
• Promoting the RIRDC Horse R&D Program to possible investors
• Maintaining and building on the existing RIRDC database of equine organisations and subscribers