Promoting the Importance of Honey Bees: Honey Bee Extension Coordinator
Honey and Fox Pty Ltd
Project code: PRO-015188
Project stage: Closed
Project start date: Friday, May 14, 2021
Project completion date: Wednesday, June 22, 2022
National Priority: PHB - Promoting the Importance of Bees
This project will coordinate and deliver extension services for the Australian honey bee industry. Working closely with the AHBIC and the appointed communications agency the focus will be on delivering on the industry communication plan around three themes: honey, polination and the environment, including biosecurity and sustainability. At the heart of the extension approach will be to facilitate and foster interactions between a connected network of honey bee industry stakeholders, including producers (commercial and recreational), honey packers and manufacturers, supply chain partners, researchers and government agencies. The extension services will include experiential, integrative and reinforcement activities that support engagement of stakeholders inside and outside of the industry creating greater awareness and support for the honey bee industry and the value that they provide to the Australian community, providing a crucial role in food production and supporting environmental sustainability.
Promoting the Importance of Bees
Research Organisation
Honey and Fox Pty Ltd