Resilient beekeeping in the face of Varroa
The University of Sydney
Project code: PRO-016302
Project stage: Closed
Project start date: Thursday, January 12, 2023
Project completion date: Friday, March 15, 2024
National Priority: HBE-Improve understanding of nutrition best practice and disease interaction
Varroa is the biggest threat to the Australian honeybee industry and the industries that rely on bees for pollination services. This project will determine the best strategies to manage and control Varroa in the Australian context, make projections about spread, and the likely effects on honeybee health and pollination services via a systematic review of the literature. A series of fact sheets will summarise what is known and the best path forward in terms of biosecurity, treatment and management, breeding, honeybee health, viruses, and pollination continuation. Recommendations will be made for future research directions based on gaps in our knowledge, particularly in the Australian context. The project will organise webinars by international experts on each of our themes for beekeepers to get information directly and to ask questions. The Australian Bee Research Alliance will also hold webinars to upskill Australian bee researchers on Varroa.
Honey Bee
Research Organisation
The University of Sydney