Review of AME bioassay for ingredient matrix values of poultry feed
University of New England
Project code: PRJ-010508
Project stage: Closed
Project start date: Sunday, January 1, 2017
Project completion date: Saturday, December 1, 2018
National Priority: CME-Priority 3-Contributing to efficient and secure chicken production systems
Energy continues to gain economic importance as a component of chicken feed which is required for maintenance and production. Therefore, measurement and optimal use of energy of feed are economically valuable. We have identified a number of causes for the measurement inaccuracy of apparent metabolisable energy (AME) for poultry feed ingredients including the use of imbalanced diet, errors in the calculation, interactions among the ingredients, and even inappropriate design of the experiment. Thus, a thorough review of literature published in the area, and identify an accurate AME bioassay become important for broiler industry, which may avoid great waste or insufficient supply of energy to the birds. We thus propose to perform a comprehensive literature review of the AME bioassay for the poultry feed ingredients since the first report of such assay in 1939 by Fraps. We will identify the possible issues in the assays and suggest a better way to perform the measurement of poultry feed ingredient AME.
Chicken Meat
Research Organisation
University of New England
Objective Summary
The objectives are:
a. to review all the protocols used so far since Fraps study (1939);
b. to identify issues involved in the measurements for each of the methods applied;
c. to determine the best protocol published in the literature;
d. and to propose a more accurate bioassay for the measurement of the ingredient AME in poultry feed.