Review of honey bee industry levies and fees

AgEconPlus Pty Ltd

  • Project code: PRJ-011643

  • Project stage: Closed

  • Project start date: Friday, December 14, 2018

  • Project completion date: Friday, April 19, 2019

  • National Priority: HBE-Improve hive productivity with innovative pest and disease control, feeding, breeding, and automation solutions


The purpose of this project is to review current honey bee industry levies and fees and make recommendations on an appropriate levy structure to serve the industry in the future. The National Honey Levy addresses biosecurity, residue testing, PHA membership and R&D. An analysis of industry trends including contraction in honey production and growth in pollination services will be required. The current National Honey Levy will be reviewed and the review will include analysis of revenue generated, where the revenue is directed and value delivered to industry. Future National Honey Levy commitments will be assessed and conclusions drawn on the sustainability of current levy arrangements. The project will include an analysis of previous honey bee levies and reasons for their rejection. Options to reduce the cost of National Honey Levy collection will be developed including scope for changes in the honey production threshold at which the levy is payable. Beekeeper levy payments will be compared to similar sized agricultural industries and conclusions reached on the current burden of levy payments. The scope to increase resources available to the industry with Government Matching RD&E payments will be assessed as will the potential for a Pollination Services levy and a Honey Marketing Levy. An analysis of State-based compulsory and voluntary fees will be delivered. Levy review conclusions and reform recommendations will be prepared and communicated through a plain English fact sheet/summary document for beekeepers and a more detailed discussion paper for beekeepers and policymakers.


Honey Bee

Research Organisation

AgEconPlus Pty Ltd

Objective Summary

The objectives of this study are to provide AgriFutures Australia and AHBIC with information about:
1. Current levy rates paid by the honey bee industry including the compulsory honey levy administered by DAWR and State-based compulsory/voluntary levy charges
2. Where levy money goes, and how effective it is in achieving outcomes for industry
3. The sustainability of the current national levy structure
4. Levy rates required to service industry needs and priorities
5. Options for amending existing levy rates and charges