Roadmap to Net Zero Emissions Grampians Agriculture Project (R2ZGAP)

Wimmera Development Association

  • Project code: PRO-013313

  • Project stage: Closed

  • Project start date: Sunday, May 30, 2021

  • Project completion date: Wednesday, December 14, 2022

  • National Priority: TIA - Carbon


The Roadmap to Net Zero Emissions Grampians Agriculture Project (R2ZGAP) will build on the Federal Government Smart Farm Small Grant project, the Wimmera Broadacre Farming Net Zero Emissions Project.

Farm managers and the agriculture industry have a critical role to play in achieving net zero emissions, particularly in the Victorian Grampians region. There are several carbon calculators available and well documented for use in agriculture, however these tools have not been broadly adopted by farmers. The challenge is understanding why uptake has been low, and what is required to drive change.

The R2ZGAP will undertake engagement and extension activities with farmers across the Grampians region to understand: the barriers to adoption of carbon calculators as a farm business tool; and the implementation strategies essential to encourage widespread uptake of these tools in agriculture. Approximately 300 farm managers and stakeholders will be engaged across the region through farming networks, Landcare groups, Longerenong College, plus local government and business groups. A targeted extension program will then be co-designed and piloted based on engagement findings.

This project is a crucial step toward linking the existing science with broad on-farm implementation to improve environmental outcomes, sustainability, and future economic viability in agriculture. For farmers to embrace working toward net zero emissions in their enterprises, their business requirements, and the evidence, support and practical implementation guidance they need, must be understood. Project findings about barriers, success factors and implementation requirements will be shared across the Australian agriculture industry via professional networks and publications.


Transformative Industry Action

Research Organisation

Wimmera Development Association