Scoping study of sustainable weed management in tea tree oil plantations
University of New England
Project code: PRJ-011789
Project stage: Closed
Project start date: Sunday, September 1, 2019
Project completion date: Monday, August 31, 2020
National Priority: TTO-Improving supply
A comprehensive literature review of weed management in Melaleuca production and similar perennial farming systems, including innovative practices; in-depth interviews and focus group discussions completed with selected TTO producers and key industry experts in the two main production regions (Northern Rivers, NSW; Atherton Tablelands, Qld); consultation with herbicide companies and the APVMA regarding off-label herbicide options; and a Final Report to AgriFutures Australia and the TTO industry. The key outcome of this research will be to provide a clear direction for future research and TTO producer education activities regarding weed management, supporting Tea Tree Oil RD&E Objectives 1 and 3.
Tea Tree Oil
Research Organisation
University of New England
Objective Summary
The specific objectives of this scoping study are to:
1. Document the current situation regarding weed impact and management in Australian tea tree plantations;
2. Determine the key limitations of current weed management practices, taking into account relevant features of the production system, availability of resources (time, labour, money and technology) and most importantly weed species;
3. Determine, through literature review and consultation with producers and the chemical industry, requirements to address and minimise the limitations of current weed management practices; and
4. Compile this information in a report to the TTO industry on weed impact and management research and extension needs and priorities.