Screened bottom boards

The Crown in right of the State of NSW acting through the Department of Primary Industries

  • Project code: PRJ-006390

  • Project stage: Closed

  • Project start date: Monday, August 1, 2011

  • Project completion date: Sunday, December 1, 2013

  • National Priority: HBE-Improve pollination, floral resource access and industry sustainability


Varroa mites are arguably the most serious pest currently being experienced by honey bees. They are not presently found in Australia but it is assumed that this status will eventually change. There are a range of chemical options for treating colonies of honey bees to suppress mite populations but they are all short term in there application.The use of screened bottom boards is said to assist in discarding mites that fall to the bottom of the hive by the function of them falling through the screen onto the ground some distance from the colony and any bees. There has been some doubt about the use of these screens which may interupt the hives ability to rear brood and thus reduce the profittability of the colony. The aim of the project will be to measure the temperature variability in a colony using a screened and solid bottom bottom board.


Honey Bee

Research Organisation

The Crown in right of the State of NSW acting through the Department of Primary Industries

Objective Summary

1. Assess the benefits and disadvantages of screened bottom boards in hives in Australian conditions.
2. Develop an enclosed screened bottom board that mitigates the disadvantages of screened bottom boards.
3. Compare the benefits and disadvantages of non-enclosed and enclosed screened bottom boards in Australian conditions.