Shared solutions; Developing farmer driven on-farm trials demonstrating the value of technology in the dryland broadacre low-rainfall farming system

Birchip Cropping Group Inc

  • Project code: PRO-015667

  • Project stage: Closed

  • Project start date: Tuesday, December 14, 2021

  • Project completion date: Friday, January 20, 2023

  • National Priority: AFI - AgriFood Innovation


This project will run a series of workshops and consultations with young farmers in the initial phases of the project. This will help attendees identify research ideas and then subsequently what technologies will be required to assist with validation. Throughout the project BCG staff will support the participating producers with their research as well as take other interested producers on the journey through young farmer group meetings, crop walks etc.
A key aspect to widespread adoption is the opportunity for growers to learn from other grower’s experience. Through the proposed focus paddock model, this peer-to-peer learning opportunity will be maximised. In addition, the skills that will be developed through this process will also be transferable to other aspects of technology use.


AgriFood Innovation

Research Organisation

Birchip Cropping Group Inc