Size and Scope of the Honey Bee and Pollination Industry – An Updated Snapshot
AgEconPlus Pty Ltd
Project code: PRO-016934
Project stage: Closed
Project start date: Friday, July 28, 2023
Project completion date: Wednesday, May 15, 2024
National Priority: HBE-Enhance industry capability
The Size and Scope of the Australian Honey Bee and Pollination Industry – A Snapshot was prepared by Michael Clarke (AgEconPlus) and Danny Le Feuvre (now AHBIC) and published by AgriFutures in February 2021. The inaugural report provided a detailed statistical analysis of the honey bee and pollination industry in Australia. It used historical data for the period up to and including 2019. The project assembled best available data from the widest possible sources including hard copy reports from beekeeper archives. In many instances it ensured that this material was published before it was lost. The project’s authors were always aware that the research was a snapshot in time and that it would require update as new information became available. In 2022, the Varroa mite incursion highlighted that the figures reported in the snapshot may have underestimated the size of the industry. Furthermore, Michael and Danny’s 2022/23 project for Hort Innovation assembling accurate pollination service statistics (HA21005) needs incorporating into the Snapshot. Consequently, it is now appropriate to revisit and update inaugural estimates with new data and report industry changes in the three years since the first snapshot was prepared. Update will be facilitated by the authors’ first hand understanding of formulas within both the report and the accompanying excel database. Michael will ensure the delivery of an industry reflective report and the collection of data that is statistically representative of the industry across all Australian states.
Honey Bee
Research Organisation
AgEconPlus Pty Ltd